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hi! around here they call me philipps, and i teach the study abroad senior high listening and speaking classes as well as 7th grade junior high at the east campus.
i have a dual bachelor’s in teaching french and spanish with a minor in esl, but i’ve been traveling, teaching and learning languages, since before i graduated. in my four or so years of formal teaching following graduation my students have ranged in ages from 4 to 65, and in proficiency from absolute beginner to advanced. living and teaching in europe, south america, as well as the u.s. i’ve managed to collect a few new languages, and now in china i hope to add to that collection.
i came here after hearing about the position from a former afls foreign teacher and, as of the four months or so i’ve been here so far, i can say her praise for the school and its students is very well deserved.  
while my adventure has only just started, the welcome has been very warm and i look forward to working and learning my next language in this beautiful city, full of helpful and generous people (especially here at school), and- how could i forget- so much delicious food!

